Immigration to Canada Accounts for 2/3 of Canadian Population Growth

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Statistics Canada is starting to release data analyzed from the 2016 census. The Canadian population, which is over thirty five million residents, has seen a five percent increase in population since 2011. There are 14 million private homes, which make up a 5.6 percent increase. The new statistics show that immigrants make up two-thirds of the population increase, and the difference between deaths and births accounted for the other third.

Immigrants to Canada will make up more of the population growth in the coming years due to aging residents and a low fertility rate. Canada is a welcoming place for immigrants. Contact Canadian Visa Expert for information on receiving a visa to live and work in Canada.

The information released shows Canada leading the G-7 countries in growth of population. They are ahead of the USA, UK, Italy, France, Germany, and Japan. Many of the immigrants moving to Canada are settling in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. These provinces have held the lowest employment rates in Canada over the past few years.

Canadian Visa Expert, along with their legal team, will help you through the immigration process.

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