The Benefits that Canadian Immigrants Enjoy

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Canada is one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world and attracts thousands of newcomers each year through various Canadian immigration programs.

As a result of sustained Canadian immigration, one out of every five residents who live in Canada is foreign-born. Across this vast country of 36 million people, there are immigrants from around the globe, living together as Canadians and enjoying the high standard of living available to those who live and work in Canada.

The multicultural character of Canada makes this incredible country a comfortable place for immigrants to live, as do the many benefits that Canadian immigrants enjoy.

Canadian Visa Expert and its team of immigration professionals have helped many people immigrate to Canada so they can experience these great benefits.


The Immigration Consultants who work with Canadian Visa Expert are registered with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) and they guide clients confidently through each stage of the Canadian immigration process.

What are some of the benefits that Canadian immigrants enjoy? When a foreign national is approved to immigrate to Canada, he/she is granted Canadian permanent residency to live in Canada long-term.

Furthermore, Canadian permanent residents are permitted to work in Canada and can even start a business. There are many Canadian immigration “success stories” about individuals who move to Canada and go on to establish successful Canadian companies or find good-paying jobs in Canada.

Another benefit for people who immigrate to Canada is having access to Canadian educational programs. The children of Canadian permanent residents receive free education at Canada’s excellent public primary and secondary schools which can lay the foundation for further educational achievement.

Adults who hold Canadian permanent residency have the option to attend trade schools, colleges and universities where they can enhance their opportunities for jobs in Canada as well as their salary potential.

2123523275_bf10e0ef17_oAdditional benefits are free basic healthcare, plus the option to apply for Canadian citizenship after you live in Canada as a permanent resident four years and meet other criteria.

People who live in Canada dwell in one of the most beautiful, peaceful, prosperous countries on Earth, which boasts three of the top five most livable cities in the world (#3 Vancouver, #4 Toronto and #5 Calgary).

No wonder thousands of people contact Canadian Visa Expert each year. If you would also like to immigrate to Canada, the Canadian Visa Expert team is ready to help!

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